Alberta Campgrounds | Avoid Skunk Spray


Alberta Campgrounds | Avoid Skunk Spray

Despite the fact that songs are actually harmless to people, they are often feared by campers and hikers in Alberta campgrounds. In fact, when people understand the truth about skunks. They will be able to ensure that they can stay calm and encountering this animal. So that they and up not getting sprayed.

The first thing that people need to understand when they are visiting Alberta campgrounds. Is that the only time they are likely to encounter a skunk. Is at dusk. Because they are nocturnal creatures.

They will come out when the sun sets, to wake up and start foraging for their food. They eat mostly insects. But are known to scavenge. And if people have accidentally left out food in their campsite. This can attract the animals.

Therefore, people should ensure that they keep their food away, and in an airtight container. To avoid attracting this creature to them.

However if they do come face-to-face with this small mammal. There are several things they need to keep in mind. Ultimately, the skunk is more afraid of them than they are of it.

By staying calm, and being quiet as well as being still. Can help show the skunk that people are not a threat. So that they can run away safely.

If the skunk does not immediately run away, it may be because their eyesight is very bad. And they may not realize that a person is still there. Which is why flashing a flashlight at the skunk very quickly and only once. Can help encourage the skunk to run away.


However, if a skunk does not run away. People should very slowly, to avoid detection and very quietly. Should begin backing away from the skunk.

Because skunks can spray up to 3 m away from themselves. People will need to get very far away from the skunk in order to be out of the danger zone. And if they are on a trail in Alberta campgrounds.

They need to continue walking away until the skunk is far enough away, that they can feel comfortable in turning to leave.

However, if the skunk is in their campsite in Alberta campgrounds. They may wish to alert the campground manager, who will alert the wildlife authorities. That there is a skunk that will not leave the campground.

So that the skunk can be safely relocated by experts. That will be less likely to result in anyone getting sprayed. Then account for trying to shoot the skunk away themselves.

Ultimately, skunks are going to want to avoid spraying for many reasons. Not only will it deplete their energy, making them week for several days.

But when the skunk sprays a potential predator. They will need ten days before their reserves of this fluid can be built up again. Leaving them defenceless for up to ten days.

Therefore, skunks will only spray as a last line of defence. And as long as people act very nonthreatening towards this very small mammal. Both the camper and the skunk can escape quickly and effectively.

Alberta Campgrounds | Avoid Skunk Spray

When people are going to go exploring Alberta campgrounds. They might be encountering skunks at some point on their trip.

While skunks are native to Alberta. They are nocturnal creatures, and only come out at night. When they wake up, and start foraging for their food.

Therefore, evening when the sun begins to set. Is often the time of day where encounters are more likely to happen. During this time, campers and hikers need to ensure that their dogs are on a leash.

And while dogs should always be on a leash in Alberta campgrounds. It is even more important that they are on a leash during a time when most animals are coming out were going to sleep.

If skunks are startled, or if the dog is lunging, or barking at the skunk. It can cause them to go from scared to defensive very quickly.

Before I skunk sprays, they will go through a number of threatening postures. In order to frighten the potential predator into running away. And while most natural predators, such as badgers, foxes and coyotes will run away.

Domestic animals like dogs, have often forgotten their instinct about skunks. And may want to play with the animal, or chase it. Causing the skunk to feel threatened.

Before they do spray, they will start stamping their feet and hissing at the predator. And they will also have a number of threatening postures, such as looking like they are going to charge.


These motions are to frighten a potential predator away. However, if this does not cause people to get out of the way, or cause a dog for example to stop barking. It will turn its tail end around, to bend of their body in a U shape, and then raise its tail.

Raising of the tail is a last warning sign that a skunk is about to spray. However, because a skunk will have two glands underneath their tail, the tail does not have to be straight off in order to spray its victim.

It can also spray a great distance away from itself, with extreme accuracy. Up to 10 feet away. Therefore, if people are not at least that far away, they will be right in the skunks firing line. And can likely get hit.

Not only can the skunk spray, but they can spray up to six times in a row very quickly. Meaning whoever is in the vicinity, will likely get a lot of this oily liquid all over themselves.

Once a person is sprayed, they can develop skin irritation, temporary blindness if it gets in their eyes, and the smell can cause them not the and vomiting. In addition to watery eyes and runny noses.

It is very important that if people get skunk spray in their eyes. That they rinse their eyes with cool water several times. In order to wash as much of the oil away as possible.

And for the rest of their body, an acidic liquid, such as hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Or even simply white vinegar and water. Can breakdown of the oil, and dissipate the smell.

When people are going to Alberta campgrounds. They might want to ensure that they have got skunk spray antidote with them. Because while nobody wants to get sprayed by a skunk. Because skunks live in Alberta, they might simply encounter one out of chance.